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A 6 week online sacred container for Soul Warriors


What is the BLACK & WHITE ROSE Mystery School Path?


The soul lineage of devotional love, soulful searching and longing for the light is aligned with the mystery schools of Venus, Atlantis and Egyptian Magic.  The Rose Soul lineages were seeded in these places and destroyed there too.  For where there has been great love and light on the planet, there has also been great falls where dark agenda, black magic and harm of humanity has played out.  


By understanding the Spiritual Warfare and learning from the past, reading our Soul’s Stories from these timelines and accessing the unconditional spiritual love that has been lost, we can step into soul led sovereignty and win the war on our consciousness to bring in the 5D Earth.


If you are a Spiritual Warrior,

a Soul led Truther 

or Shadow Worker 

who seeks knowledge on Spiritual Warfare and is keen to develop their supernatural skillset to help humanity

then this course is for



This course is not for those on the path of solely holding the vibration strong for the light.  Thank you for your work but I'm calling in the warrior workers.

It is also not for those who have unhealed traumas and will get triggered by challenging spiritual content.


This is for everyone who wants to understand the SHADOW in our society, to expose it to the LIGHT and therefore bring it into balance.  Those of us who are searching for Spiritual Truths that are often not discussed openly and to gain Spiritual Techniques & Practices to help protect your soul and spirit in times of spiritual warfare.


This is the path of the BLACK & WHITE ROSE Mystery School.



* Learn how to use your psychic skillset to up level your consciousness

* Have strict protections practices in place to enable you to do warrior work

* Balance the light and dark effectively so you don't struggle on the shadow path


This is a safe sacred space to join a community of soul led warriors to help humanity at this vital time in our history.  

You may have:


  • Felt alone and disillusioned with society 

  • Been challenged with the enormity of the soul's call and wondered where to focus your energy

  • Been afraid of your own supernatural skills or have no idea how to accelerate them and channel safely

  • Felt like spiritual outcast as everyone around you only talks about love and light

  • Suffered from not having a community of soul warriors who understand you and are unafraid of stepping into the shadow and transmuting it to the light


​Or perhaps you are seeking this community and know your soul is calling you to start awakening all of your supernatural gifts, find your free will soul contracts and follow the path of the warrior soul.

Then you are not alone.


​I am ready to walk with your soul guiding you along your path.




I am a Spiritual Soul Led Actress, Writer, Healer & Creatrix of 5D Theatre who was initiated into the Rare Black Rose Teachings many lifetimes ago & reinitiated into the White Rose Teachings in 2018.


I have run two courses on the Black Rose teachings over the past few years but have come into realisation that the true teachings are locked into each of our souls, like puzzle pieces waiting to come together.  I have also learnt without the strength of unwavering love & devotion to the divine, the soul led warrior path of the Black Rose becomes too heavy to bear.


The Black & White Rose teachings were reawakened in me as I was writing my second play, THE WITCH, THE BITCH, THE WHORE WAS YOUR ANGEL.  ANGEL is the second in a trilogy of plays which are written as a form of SOUL ACTIVISM for its audience.  You can read about the plays here:​​​


Alongside writing the plays, I have been working with people one to one, in workshops & courses to help them remember their own soul's stories, channel their work, align their energy and expand their supernatural gifts.  

You can work with me individually here:



What do you get? 
  • 6 LIVE zoom calls on Wednesday split between afternoons & evenings for all time zones
  • Teachings on high level spiritual warrior and shadow work
  • Online support for all soul warriors in the group
  • Meditations, soul guided sessions & psychic journeys 
  • Recordings sent after each session for those who can't attend Live.
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Join Cheryl Prince,

5D Theatre for 6 weeks 

October 30th - 4th December, 

3.00-5pm & 7-9pm UK

on alternative weeks

LIVE or in the REPLAY


Please email â€‹with any questions about this course.


The class size will only be offered to a certain amount of people to ensure that it feels like a safe & supported community space.


​Those who are on benefits, are classified as low waged, retired on limited pensions, or carers so that my work is accessible to all. Please do not select the discounted rate if you are on a LIVING WAGE. 



 Time Zone London, UK


Wednesdays at 3pm or 7pm UK time 


Week 1 - 30th October 2024, 3.00- 5.00pm

Understanding your karma and clearing the collective


* Karma; what you carry and what you can give back

*3D-5D energy work, clearing, alignment and protection practices

*Energy Alignment Guided Meditation

*Activating and shielding your multidimensional light body

*Group sharing & Soul Guided energy work



Week 2 -6th November 2024, 7.00 - 9.00PM

Becoming the warrior in Your Soul’s Heroic Journey


* Understanding Your Spiritual Crisis, Dark Night of the Soul & Isolation stage

* Healing from timelines of spiritual persecution and trauma from past lives

* Honouring Your Soul as a spiritual misfit

* Spiritual Protection Practices

* Group sharing & Soul Tribe work



Week 3 - 13th November 2024, 3.00 - 5.00PM

Being a Soul Guide by honouring your Soul’s Story


* Understanding soul binds to the 3D Matrix

* Learning about multidimensional mediumship abilities

* Training your own Psychic & Supernatural skillset

* Reweaving Soul fragments practice

* Group sharing & Soul Remembrance work




Week 4 - 20th November 2024, 7.00 - 9.00PM

Placing Magic back in the Hands of Healers


* Understanding both sides of magical practices

* Psychic attack, entity attachment and negative possession

* Spiritual Rescue work and working in the Astral Realm

* Channelling Spirits as a safe practice

* Group sharing & Shadow work




Week 5 -27th November 2024, 3.00 - 5.00PM

Rising in Angelic Consciousness


* Understanding your angelic light codes

* Activating your supernatural senses to remote view the lands

* Strengthening your Soul as your superpower

* Psychic soul reading practices 

* Group sharing & Psychic work



Week 6 - 4th December 2024, 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Returning with your true teachings


* Understanding the powerful journey of the Black Rose Initiations

* How to Be in the unconditional love of the White Rose Activations

* Transmuting pain, ancestral work and being in balance

* Land Healing Ley Line Clearing practices

* Group sharing & continuing your soul’s work



This container is built with love, devotion and dedication to help all Soul Warriors raise the consciousness and win the Spiritual War at this time of 5D ascension.

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